
Litter Picking – register now to become a volunteer

Litter by gazebo

Prestbury Parish Council is conscious of increasing amounts of litter on the Prestbury Playing Fields and adjacent Barley Road public open space, and in the rest of the Parish generally.

To address this PPC is going to form a group of litter picking volunteers.

Litter picking events will take place once a month on a Saturday morning between 1000-1200.

Volunteers will be briefed on health and safety by the organisers and be allocated specific focus areas.

Risk Assessment  has been completed to ensure everybody’s safety. Every event will be COVID assessed to protect safety and litter picks will only take place when COVID regulations permit. Gloves, high-vis jackets and rubbish bags will be provided. All volunteers will be asked to sign a disclaimer when they attend their first event Example of the disclaimer

If you are interested in volunteering to join the Litter Pickers, please fill out the online form HERE.

Alternatively,  print the form… complete it and sent to the Parish Office (address on form).

If you do not have access to a printer or the internet, please contact the Parish Clerk to arrange to have a copy sent to you.

Important – Once you have submitted a request to become a volunteer you will be contacted with further details. Please do not just turn up on the day as the organisers need to know how many to expect in order to comply with COVID regulations.

We will keep your details for purposes of this activity only and your details will not be shared or used for any other reason.

Due to coronavirus pandemic Government regulations the litter picking initiative will not start until the end of March 2021 but please fill out the form to register your interest in volunteering so that we can be ready to start when circumstance make it possible.