It was lovely to see so many people making use of the Prestbury Parish Council recreation areas – both Barley Road Public Open Space and the Playing Field, over the snowy period.
These ladies are sitting on one of three new tree benches, one around a tree in each of three groups of trees which have been planted. The benches were purchased by the Parish Council and were assembled, installed and landscaped by the Parish Groundsman.
The Parish Council plans to continue to improve the Barley Road POS and other areas of our Parish in 2021. Our future plans for this POS will hopefully include a Sensory Garden for the blind and partially sighted. We hope with the planting of trees and flora this will also improve our environment for both the community and the insects and the bees which are so important to the future of our planet.
While the MUGA, tennis courts and outdoor gym must unfortunately remain closed until restrictions are lifted, Prestbury residents are encouraged to use the recreation areas, in a responsible socially distanced way, to get some fresh air and exercise.