Litter picking takes place on Saturday mornings meeting at 0945 outside the PPC Office at the playing field.
30 July
20 August
24 September
29 October
26 November
31 December
28 January
25 February
25 March
29 April
27 May
More volunteers are welcome – if you are interested in joining the Litter Pickers, fill out the online form HERE. Please note: under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Alternatively, print the form… complete it and sent to the Parish Office (address on form).
If you do not have access to a printer or the internet, please contact the Parish Office 01242 575129 to arrange to have a copy sent to you.
A Risk Assessment has been completed to ensure everybody’s safety. Every event will be COVID assessed to protect safety and litter picks will only take place when COVID regulations permit. Gloves, high-vis jackets and rubbish bags will be provided. All volunteers will be asked to sign a disclaimer when they attend their first event.