
Litter Pick Update

The 7th monthly PPC litter pick event was held on the 25th of September and continues to be a resounding success. The new volunteers were supplied with the appropriate PPE. As of the 4th October, we now have 38 volunteers registered which ensures when volunteers are on holiday or have other commitments, we are assured of a good turnout adequately covering all 7 zones.

Lions of Cheltenham have been with us for the past 2 events and have adopted the Wyman Brook zone 6. The Evesham Road is covered from the racecourse roundabout to Webbs garden centre. This is beyond the PPC boundary lines but is where we have drawn the line. For the next litter pick given the sheer amount of litter collected on this stretch of road, we are creating 2 teams starting at opposing ends to ensure a thorough clean. It has been necessary to acquire some additional hi vis vests and gloves to maintain an adequate supply.

The playing field and the Barley Road public open space is litter picked Saturday and Sunday mornings, other than the odd occasion of recent, a general clean up is all that has been required.

The next litter pick event is scheduled for Saturday 30th of October meeting at the PPC at 0945hrs.