Litter Pick Update
Saturday 30th October witnessed the 8th PPC litter pick event of the 7 zones of the parish. The weather was kind to us, 30mins before the 0945hrs start at the PPC office was in torrential rain but cleared and became a pleasant day.
We have an adequate supply of PPE with all volunteers kitted out appropriately.
Since the start of the organised events a very friendly community spirit has developed with all volunteers on first name terms with one another.
The amount of litter collected is regrettably constant and it does make you wonder that without our volunteers and their continuous commitment what would our roads and grass areas look like?
The playing field is inspected every Saturday and Sunday morning, other than general litter the amount of discarded alcohol has reduced considerably.
As part of the Remembrance Day preparations on the 14th November, a group of volunteers is to meet at the war memorial on the 13th November at 0900hrs for a clean up of the surrounding area.
Gordon Griffiths