
Parish Council Office closed 24 June – 2 July

Please note that owing to staff absence, the Parish Office will be closed to the public Monday 24 June – Tuesday 2 July 2024 inclusive. The answer phone and office email will be monitored during...

Builder Required by Prestbury Parish Council

Prestbury Parish Council are looking for builders to complete the next phase in its development of the pavilion on the parish playing field. This will involve converting the old nursery reception...

Builder Required by Prestbury Parish Council

Prestbury Parish Council are looking for builders! Prestbury Parish Council are part way through work to improve the facilities at the playing fields.  We need to select a builder to carry...

Blacksmith Lane Allotments – Tenancy Renewal

Allotment Tenancy Renewal 2024-2025 For the attention of all allotment holders: Would all allotment holders please pay their annual rent between 1 & 30 April 2024. Individual invoices and...